"The influence of a great principal can never be erased." #PrincipalAppreciationWeek2021
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
Principal Appreciation Week
October 24-30, 2021 is Principal Appreciation Week! Join us in honoring our CUSD#1 Administrative Staff this week for all that they do each day to keep our schools running smoothly. Thank you, principals, for learning and leading every day! #PrincipalAppreciationWeek2021
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
Principal Appreciation Week
Thankful for all of our Illinois Central School Bus Employees! #NationalBusDriverAppreciationDay2021
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
We ❤ our local Illinois Central School Bus Drivers! We can't thank them enough for safely getting our kids to and from school each day. Their service to our community is immeasurable. #BusDriverAppreciationDay2021
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
Bus Driver Appreciation
The Mattoon Public Library is hosting another free Pfizer vaccine clinic from 2-6 p.m. on Wednesday Oct. 20 (second shot for those that received 1st dose last month) in the Community Room in the lower basement. No appointment necessary but you do have an option to schedule a time by calling 234-1710. https://5il.co/10p9y
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
Pfizer Clinic
A school visit today revealed these hallway postings at Carl Sandburg Elementary School -- another Charleston CUSD #1 school that rocks!
almost 3 years ago, Todd J. Vilardo
Eastern Illinois University is now accepting applications for its one-year Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program. This program will begin in late May 2022 and leads to licensure in 12 months. Applicants must hold a degree in the specific content area for which licensure is sought prior to beginning the program. Available endorsement areas and grade spans include: • English (9-12) • Mathematics (9-12) • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics) (9-12) • Social Science (History) (9-12) • CTE (Business, FCS, Technology) (5-12) • World Language (French, German, Spanish) (PK-12) Complete information, application directions, and deadlines may be found at: https://www.eiu.edu/edprep/paths/Accelerated.php
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
EIU Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program
The Mattoon Public Library is hosting a free Pfizer vaccine clinic from 2-6 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 29 (first shot) and 2-6 p.m. Oct. 20 (second shot) in the Community Room in the lower basement. It's open to the public. No appointment necessary but you do have an option to schedule a time by calling 234-1710.
almost 3 years ago, CUSD1
Covid Vaccine
Please see the following message from Dr. Vilardo: https://5il.co/yh0v
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
When using your school device at home, you may get a pop-up for Content Keeper. Enter your computer username and password, more than once sometimes, and then you'll be able to proceed to your online resources. For more technology help be sure to checkout the District Technology Troubleshooting page: https://www.charleston.k12.il.us/page/technology-troubleshooting.
about 3 years ago, Educational Technology Department
Content Keeper
Please see the following letter to families regarding illness symptom screening and procedures for returning to school after an illness: https://5il.co/xuqt We strongly encourage families to keep all children exhibiting any symptoms of illness at home to help control the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
covid letter
Fall School Pictures will be taken by Gaines Photography this year. They can be previewed/purchased online with your student's ID#. Parents can also go to the school folder on website and register an email address to be notified once photos are uploaded. http://gainesphoto.com/
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
Picture Day
Please see the following message from Dr. Vilardo: https://5il.co/wwnn and continue to check our website for more information regarding this topic: https://www.charleston.k12.il.us/page/covid-19-updates
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
Schedules for elementary students are now accessible in Skyward Family access if your student has been registered and all registration and technology fees have been paid. Jefferson students will receive their password to access their student Skyward accounts when school begins next week.
about 3 years ago, Educational Technology Department
Governor Pritzker held a press conference today to give a COVID-19 update. His primary talking point was that masks are now required in all schools and day cares regardless of vaccination status. Accordingly, masks will be required in all Charleston schools at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. An update to our Plan (which is currently posted on our website) will be re-posted soon. Thank you for your patience yet again.
about 3 years ago, Todd J. Vilardo
Schedules for CMS and CHS Students are now accessible in Skyward Family if you have registered for school and paid your fees for registration and technology. STUDENTS all passwords were reset over the summer. You will get your new password for Skyward when you return to school in August.
about 3 years ago, Educational Technology Department
Charleston CUSD #1 has posted its Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services to its district website. It can be accessed here: https://www.charleston.k12.il.us/page/covid-19-updates (School level plans will be posted to our school websites.)
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
REMINDER: Please register your student(s) for school by Friday, July 30, 2021. Registration must be completed through your Skyward Family Access account. If you need assistance, please contact your child’s school directly. More school-specific instructions, information, and forms related to registration are also available on our website: https://www.charleston.k12.il.us/page/registration Schedules will be posted by noon on July 30 for CMS and CHS students who are registered and who have paid all past and present school fees, including registration fees, any negative food service balances, as well as any charges owed for lost/damaged books/technology. Fees can be paid in person at any of our CUSD#1 buildings by cash, check, or credit/debit card, or online using e-Funds. Elementary classes will be posted August 6.
about 3 years ago, CUSD1
registration reminder
Reminder: Open interviews are today! Charleston Unit #1 is looking to hire full-time paraprofessionals for multiple programs in multiple buildings. We will be conducting open interviews for all positions on Monday, July 26th from 3:00 pm-6:00 pm. The interviews will be held at Charleston High School. Interested candidates will enter the building through the East entrance. Due to our parking lot being re-surfaced, candidates will park in our North drive. All candidates will be interviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. Please contact CHS Principal Aaron Lock with any questions @ 217-639-5000. We look forward to adding outstanding individuals to our team!
about 3 years ago, Lock, Aaron
Charleston Unit #1 is looking to hire full-time paraprofessionals for multiple positions in multiple buildings. We will be conducting open interviews for all positions on Monday, July 26th from 3:00 pm-6:00 pm. The interviews will be held at Charleston High School. Interested candidates will enter the building through the East entrance. Due to our parking lot being re-surfaced, candidates will park in our North drive. All candidates will be interviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. Please contact CHS Principal Aaron Lock with any questions @ 217-639-5000. We look forward to adding outstanding individuals to our team!
about 3 years ago, Lock, Aaron