How to Get Involved
Gail Mason
(217) 639-1017
Absence Management: FRONTLINE
Current Employees Create & Review Absences
Substitutes View & Accept Jobs
*Instructions for using Frontline are located in the Employee Resources section below.
Alyssa Matar
(217) 639-1018
Payroll Records: SKYWARD Q
Access Copies of Your Paystub
Check Your Time Off Balances and Hourly Pay/Lane/Step
*Instructions for using Skyward Q are located in the Employee Resources section below.
*If you are being hired at another school district, you will be required to complete an EHR Check upon hire. Please use the following contact information for CharlestonCUSD#1:
Gail Mason
(217) 639-1017
410 W. Polk Ave. Charleston, IL 61920