How to Get Involved
MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella): Two doses. The first dose needs to be given on or after the first birthday, and the second dose no less than four weeks (28 days) after the first. |
DPT/DTaP (Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus): Four or more doses, with the last dose qualifying as a booster and received on or after the 4th birthday. |
Polio: Three or more doses, with the last dose qualifying as a booster and received on or after the 4th birthday. |
Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B): At least one dose of Hib vaccine at 15 months of age or older and by 59 months of age. Not required after 5 years of age. |
PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate): For Pre-K, see public health schedule. Not required after 5 years of age. |
Hepatitis B: For Pre-K, three dose series if 2 years of age or older; For 6th – 12th grade students, three dose series at required intervals between doses. |
Varicella: Two doses of chickenpox vaccine (varicella). The first dose must have been received on or after their first birthday, and the second dose no less than four weeks (28 days) after the first. A physician can confirm past disease history in lieu of vaccination by having examined the infected child’s history or reviewing laboratory evidence. |
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis): Students entering 6th through 12th grades will be required to provide documentation of receipt of one dose of Tdap. |
MCV4 (Menigococcal Conjugate Vaccine): Students entering 6th and 12th grade. For 6th graders, one dose of MCV4 at school entry. For 12th graders, two doses of MCV4 at school entry unless the first dose is received at 16 years of age or older, and then only one dose is required. |
Children can be immunized by his/her doctor or at the Coles County Public Health Department (217-348-0530).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more information on vaccines.