CHS Question
How many holes does a straw have

“Two, because there’s two entrances.”
- Dylan Johnson

“I believe there is one because there is no stop that makes it into two holes.”
- Maliyah Harrison

“Two, because of both holes.”
- Tommi Griffen

“One, because it’s one continuous hole.”
- Christopher Navarro Fuentes

“Two, because there is one at the top and one at the bottom.”
- Sabrina White

- Sarah Asano

"Two, or else it would be a cone.”
- Charlotte Bennett

“One, because it goes straight through. That makes it one hole.”
- Kaitlyn Gill

“One hole, because the hole on one side continues into the other side.”
- Brayden Cobb

“It’s one, because it’s one continuous hole.”
- Mrs. Keaton

“There’s one hole.”
- Zoey Smyser

“Two, because there’s two openings.”
- Meredith McGrath

“One, because there’s one continuous hole.”
- Zion Douglas

“Two, because if you close one, the other is open, so it’s like two holes.”
- Marlie Ward

“One, because it’s one all the way through.”
- Rosslyn Chism