CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Friday, January 20, 2023

 Charleston High School is partnering with the EIU Women’s Basketball Team to raise funds for the SIXTH annual CARE Game. The mission of the game is to raise funds for local cancer patients’ immediate needs, to honor survivors, and to educate the community via the Sarah Bush Lincoln Regional Cancer Center. In previous years, Charleston and Mattoon schools helped raise over $14,000 during this event! This year Interact Club and Student Council are teaming up and placing collection jars in the office and media center for students to place donations. The class that raises the most funds will receive a prize and points towards the Class Cup. Please try and stop in and make a donation! Donations will end February 1st.

Today’s quote is:  Bill Murray

“Whatever you do, always give 100%, unless you are donating blood.”