CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Wednesday, November 9, 2022


There will be a Student Council meeting today in Mrs. Doughty’s room. Executive council will meet at 5:30. The general meeting will begin at 6:00.

Freshman and Sophomore students, there will be a link in your email today to vote for class Vice President. The link will be active until 3:20 today!

Trojan Brew will be open this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow we will be selling chocolate chip cookies made by our Culinary students for $1.00 each. Come on down and see us this week!

There will be a parent meeting for those in wrestling on Friday 11/11 at 5:30 pm in the CHS Wrestling Room. 

The wrestling team is looking for one or two scoring/eqiupment managers. Anyone interested please stop by the wrestling room any school day at 3:30.


Today’s quote is by: Francis De Sales

 “Have patience with all things but first of all with yourself.”