CHS Daily Announcements

The Coles County Clash football game is this Friday at 7pm at EIU O’Brien Field.   Tickets are only $5 and are available for purchase in the front office.

Before the Clash, there will be a competition against Mattoon to see who can Fill-A-Ford truck with the most non-perishable items.  Bring items to help support this great cause to O’Brien Field on Friday, September 29th between 5-7pm.

Attention Senior Girls:  The P.E.O Star Scholarship packets for Senior girls are due this Friday, September 29th in the Guidance office.

 Seniors-The South-Central FS Scholarship has been updated on the CHS Guidance Local Scholarship page. The deadline to apply is November 30, 2023. 

Senors: be sure to check your email for the senior spotlight questionnaire. Senior Spotlights are one of the most popular features on the website and they will be posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting this week.

Youth Alive is starting back up soon.  This Thursday we are having our first meeting in Mrs. Snoddy’s room 302. Youth alive is a Christ-centered club run by students who want to show God’s love to others.  Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly devotionals, and we would love to see you there.

Powder Puff meeting in the Lecture Hall this Friday, Sept. 29th before school at 8:15am.  The Powder Puff game is on October 4th at 6:00pm.  Entry will be $2/students and $3/adults.

The Thread n' Gold Clothing room is now officially open. We have a variety of clothes, shoes, and CHS shirts. Please fill out a card located outside of room 107 in the basement and drop it in the mailbox. We are open Tuesdays and Thursdays during 6th and 8th periods. Also, everything in the clothing room is FREE! Come see us!!!

Juniors and Seniors – Industry Day, sponsored by Coles Together, has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 18, 2023.  This is an opportunity for you to tour and learn more about the businesses located in our Charleston-Mattoon community and the job opportunities they offer.  Bus transportation and lunch will be provided.  Please sign up and pick up an information sheet in the Guidance Office.  The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, October 4. 

Attention Sophomore athletes:  The 2023 Fall Rotary Heart Screening program will be Saturday, November 4, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in the Heart Center at Sarah Bush Lincoln. If you are interested in receiving this valuable information, please stop by Mrs. Sanders desk in the front office for the forms.

All Grateful Red students planning to be at the Clash Friday need to attend WIN A on Thursday this week in Baker Gym. If the student already has a WIN, they are required to check in with their WIN teachers for attendance prior to attending. WIN B students need to check in with their WIN B teacher as well to plan switching their WIN time and lunch period ahead of time. 

Today’s quote is by John Ruskin: 

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.