CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Monday, March 27, 2023

Seniors check your school email.  Multiple new scholarships have been emailed to you and posted on the Guidance Website.

 Prom will be on May 6th.  Guest passes and tickets will be available mid-April.

 Attention Internship Students for Next School Year: All students who have completed the application requirements for the internship program for next year should attend an informational meeting this Thursday, March 30 during the second WIN period, 12:00-12:30, in Room 312. We will discuss remaining paperwork and internship placement. If you are unable to attend, you must schedule another time to meet individually with Mrs. Niebrugge.

 CHS Interact Club is selling fake mustaches for one dollar in the Media Center during both lunches Wednesday and Thursday of this week and at lunch on Friday. There is a variety of mustaches to choose from, please help support a local family whose son is battling leukemia.  

Juniors and Seniors, National Honor Society selections packets are due to Ms. Peterson or the Office by 3:30 Friday, March 28. 

Today’s quote is by: Audrey Hepburn

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'"