
Dust off your dancing shoes, Student Leadership Council is hosting a Disco themed dance on Friday, November 10, 2023, from 6-8 pm.  The cost is $5 to enter.   Concessions will be for saleReminder to attend you must be present at school on the day of the dance and cannot have failing grades in 2 or more classes. 

Congratulations to Kaylin Cassiday for being the October Frequent Flyer Winner in the IMC! Kaylin will receive fabulous prizes for reading 10 books this month!  

Free fiction books are still available in the IMC! They make great gifts and craft projects!

Do you know a veteran? Maybe a parent or a grandparent? CMS asks you to invite a veteran to this year’s Veterans Day assembly on Friday, November 10th. Please pick up a form in the office or from your Social Studies Teacher