Welcome to Charleston Middle School!
CMS features a highly skilled, flexible, diverse staff where many instructional and extra-curricular opportunities exist for middle–level students. We specialize in working with adolescent students. The school schedule revolves around a team concept, creating small learning communities that can focus on the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth of adolescent youth. Providing inclusion and accelerated classes are just two ways CMS provides unique learning environments where all students can succeed.
Our enrollment is approximately 380, and our average class size is 24. Students are placed onto a team, either 7 Red, 7 Gold, 8 Red, or 8 Gold and attend classes with other students on their team. Subjects taught daily include Math, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. In addition, students are assigned to an EPIC/Leader in Me period each day.
Outside of their core classes, students also participate daily in PE/Health/Fitness. Quarterly exploratory classes include music, art, computer skills, and CTE (careers and technical education) for all seventh and eighth grade students. Band and chorus are also offered daily from 2:40-3:20 pm for interested students.
CMS competes in girls' and boys' interscholastic athletics. Little Trojans is our mascot, with scarlet and gold as our team colors. More information about athletics and other extracurricular opportunities is available on our extra-curricular page.

Robert Lynn, Principal

Blain Mayhall, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
920 Smith Dr.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 639-6000
(217) 639-6005
Office Hours:
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Gayla Jenkins & Denise Lasky
Staff Members

School Hours
For a full listing of the school's hourly schedule, print the school hours handout. It includes the schedule for:
Regular school days
2-hour early dismissals
2-hour delayed starts
District Calendar
The official District Calendar lists all student attendance days, holidays, early dismissals, teacher institutes, etc. for the entire school year.
The At-A-Glance calendar is a condensed version for convenience.