Each team at Charleston Middle School maintains a webpage where daily homework, upcoming tests, field trips, class lists, and other important information is posted. Some teachers also have their own individual pages to post resources for their specific subject area. Those team and teacher web pages are linked below.

CMS teachers also utilize Empower, our Learning Management System, to post and score assignments for students. Each student and each guardian has a unique login and password for Empower.
Quarterly grades are posted in Skyward. If you need assistance with your Skyward account, contact the office at (217) 639-6000.
Microsoft 365
Students utilize their Microsoft 365 account for many applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive cloud storage, and Outlook email.
Clever is simply a dashboard connecting students to multiple online programs in one place. To login, students will click "Clever Username Log-in". Then they will enter their computer username (ex: 28smithj and their 8-digit birthdate (ex: 01012011 )
Teams and Teachers
To contact a teacher, call the office at (217) 639-6000 or send a message.
7 Red Team
Ms. Mellott, ELA
Mrs. Beabout, Math
Mrs. Stranz, Science
Ms. Pitts, LBS1
7 Gold Team
Mrs. Bickford, ELA
Mr. Kanouse, Math
Mrs. Lutz, Science
Ms. Claerhout, LBS1
Ms. Rook, LBS1
8 Red Team
Mrs. Oliver, ELA
Ms. Clough, Math
Mrs. Enyart, Social Studies
Ms. Claerhout, LBS1
Ms. Rook, LBS1
8 Gold Team
Mr. Standerfer, ELA
Mrs. Dow, Social Studies
Mrs. Shrader, LBS1
Mr. Bennett
Mrs. Miller
Mr. Schwable
Mrs. Adams, Computer Skills
Mrs. Sherwood, CTE
Ms. Thompson, Art
Mr. Mellott, Music & Chorus
Mr. Wengerski, Band
Media Center
Mrs. Crome, Media Specialist