The JES 6th grade classes recently learned about value and different architectural styles in art class. They created these winter cityscapes.

The JES 5th grade recently created dreamcatchers in art class. They learned about pattern, overlapping, and watercolor wash. Pictured are the 5th grade Awesome Artists.

The JES 4th grade art classes recently learned about positive and negative space. They created a shape, drew squares, and alternated coloring with positive and negative space.

The JES 6th graders recently created collages. They chose their subject matter, completed 3 drawings, painted them, cut them apart, and then made 1 collage from the pieces. Pictured are the 6th grade Awesome Artists.

Please enjoy the video (link below) highlighting pictures from Jefferson's Chorus, Band, and World Drumming Club Winter concerts.

Santa and Mrs. Claus visited JES on Friday, Dec. 3. Please enjoy this video of their visit.

The JES 4th graders have been studying the works of artist Dean Russo. They created an animal face in Russo's style using crayon and watercolor. Pictured are the awesome artists. Not pictured: Ember Mull

JES World Drumming Club is performing one song with the Coles County Barbershop Chorus on Sunday Dec 5 at 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. The afternoon concert will be at the First Presbyterian Church of Mattoon and the evening concert will be at the Wesley Methodist in Charleston.

Mrs. Richeson's 5th Grade class at Jefferson Elementary School made a video about the first Thanksgiving. Please follow the link provided to enjoy the video.

Every JES sixth-grade class went on field trips to Douglas Hart Nature Center in Mattoon, and learned about ecosystems, food webs, and predators and prey. All the students and teachers enjoyed their time at the nature center. Mrs. Ball and Ms. Beabout's classes presented the money that was raised by Jefferson students during the two hat days sponsored by the sixth-grade students. We raised almost $200 for Douglas Hart Nature Center. Thank you to all the boys, girls, and teachers who participated in the hat days.

JES students decorated their classroom doors in remembrance of Veterans Day. Please follow the link below to see their work.

5th grade has been learning about abstract art, patterns, and crayon wax resist in art class. They created abstract dogs with crayon and watercolor. Pictured are the 5th grade awesome artists.

Jefferson Elementary School is hosting a Fall into Giving virtual food drive! The drive begins today, November 1st, and ends on November 30th, Giving Tuesday.
The virtual drive is an easy, safe and fun way to help feed our neighbors facing hunger! Here is how it works:
· Please visit www.eiffooddrive.org and “shop” in the virtual market by placing items in your cart
· Upon checkout, you will select Jefferson Elementary from the drop-down menu.

The JES 4th grade students recently learned about the color wheel in art class. They completed a color wheel, and then had to turn it into something and create a picture with it. Pictured are the October 4th grade Awesome Artists.

The JES 6th graders recently studied the works of Frank Big Bear in art class. They learned about facial proportions and created a self portrait in the style of Frank Big Bear. Pictured are the October 6th grade Awesome Artists.

The JES 5th grade students have been learning about value, foreground, middle ground, and background in art class. They recently created a value landscape. Pictured are the October 5th grade Awesome Artists.

The JES 6th graders studied artworks created by the Brazilian graffiti artist Rafael Highraff. They used his artworks for inspiration to create their own 3-dimensional collage using warm and cool colors. Below are the 6th grade awesome artists for the month of October.

The JES 4th graders recently looked at some examples of some vehicles with custom paint jobs. They then had to design their own custom paint job on their own vehicle, and design a background.

JES 5th grade Awesome Artist: The JES 5th grade students have been learning about opposites in art class. Using the sun and moon, and warm and cool colors, they created these compositions.

Announcement of Jefferson Olympic winners.
The Jefferson PE classes participated in Olympic events over a two week period. Each classroom represented a different country. All of the events were scored based on the total time the entire class finished each race. The events were scooter races, hula hoop relays, frisbee distance toss, frisbee accuracy toss and sack races. The winning country/class from each grade received an ice cream sandwich party.
The winning country/class were:
4th grade- Italy (Swinford)
5th grade- Germany (Spanhook)
6th grade- USA (Anderson)